On 10/14/2014 10:33 AM, Thijs (M.A.) van den Berg wrote:
Could you go and use an overloaded C++11 non-member std::begin( shared_array<> .. ) instead of the member .begin()?
If so then you could try to write a simple generic non-member begin() for the shared_array<> (and ask if it can be added to boost)?
I can look into that. I took a bit of time yesterday and wrote an template that extended the shared_array with member begin and end - it really didn't take much to do. When it gets some more review at work, I may submit what I've done to the list as a request for comment. Making end() work means adding another data member for the array length, and requiring that be set - I don't know if that would be deemed an acceptable burden on shared_array, and it may be that making an extension class available would be the right way to go.