To get into Boost (in fact to get much further) it needs some tests (using Boost.test of course) and some fully worked and commented examples, and of course some docs. I just included a link to the source as part of my initial query, not necessarilly to be reviewed. I know I need lots more documentation, but
On 6/28/2013 10:07 AM, Paul A. Bristow wrote: thanks for an outline of what I need next. I think I have an assert-based test suite somewhere that I can convert to using Boost.test.
However I'm delighted to see the you already have lots of Doxygen comments in the code. These can be used with text and tutorial stuff in easy-to-use mark-up language Quickbook Oh, I hadn't heard about Quickbook. I'll look into it. (Contact me privately if you are thinking of embarking on this - I can build a prototype version that will get you going quickly). I will contact you privately. Thanks.
Based on your and Joel Lamotte's positive responses, I will proceed with a full bitstream submission. Paul