On 5/27/2013 11:27 PM, Anthony Foiani wrote:
legalize+jeeves@mail.xmission.com (Richard) writes:
boost@lists.boost.org spake the secret code
thusly: Message-ID as citation? Makes a certain amount of sense, I guess...
OK, had it sit there for like 20 mins, and still see nothing...
Double check that you are allowing JavaScript on that page?
As I said, it's a bit slow here, but it does eventually complete.
I took a look at the requests, but I didn't see an obvious way to have it filter before trying to load everything. :(
If you like, you can look at the "key" given in this view:
Prefix "http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/project/" and you should have a valid link.
If it helps Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/HLA9RpP.png CSV: Key,Student,Title,Organization,Status,Mentors google/gsoc2013/dmitchell/21001,Daniel Mitchell,Multiple-source shortest paths for planar graphs,Boost C++ Libraries,accepted,Tim Keitt google/gsoc2013/dla/39001,dla,Boost.uBlas - Parallelized computations with MPI technology,Boost C++ Libraries,accepted,Nasos Iliopoulos google/gsoc2013/ithlony/18001,Hardy,Boost.Trie,Boost C++ Libraries,accepted,Darren Garvey google/gsoc2013/nikhar/52001,Nikhar,Boost.Math Bernoulli Numbers and Applications to Special Functions,Boost C++ Libraries,accepted,Christopher Kormanyos google/gsoc2013/ilovepi/48001,p_kirth,POSIX Asynchronous File I/O Support for Boost.ASIO,Boost C++ Libraries,accepted,Niall Douglas google/gsoc2013/earnocks/18001,Pascal Schmitt,Parallel Backends for odeint,Boost C++ Libraries,accepted,Mario Mulansky google/gsoc2013/sathyamvellal/13001,Sathyam M Vellal,uBlas Performance Math Library,Boost C++ Libraries,accepted,David Bellot