11 Nov
11 Nov
8:30 p.m.
On 10/11/2014 13:53, Steven Ross wrote:
I have personally seen cases where sorting speed is a bottleneck.
However, there are implementations that are still quite faster than this library (I have one that is at least 3.5 faster than std::sort), and that fares better with small sizes.
I'd appreciate if you could point me to specific implementations and/or data, so I can run a direct comparison.
The implementation I have that I mentioned is based on these papers: http://www.dia.eui.upm.es/asignatu/pro_par/articulos/AASort.pdf http://www.cse.uconn.edu/~zshi/course/cse5302/ref/chhugani08sorting.pdf http://olab.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~kamil.rocki/xiaochen_rocki_IA3_SC13.pdf I did not test on other random distributions than uniform.