On 10/15/2015 9:31 AM, Arafat Khan wrote:
Hi Respected Sir/ Mam, I am Arafat Dad Khan, an undergraduate student at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. I wish to contribute to the Boost Library (Specifically Graph and Data Structures). I have decent knowledge of Algorithms and Data Structures and have consistently taken part in algorithmic competitions on websites such as Codechef and Spoj(Sphere online Judge ) you can view my profile here http://www.spoj.com/SPOJ/users/adk/ I am very new to open source, And i just need someone to guide me so that i could focus on the right areas to contribute. I am very comfortable with C++ language and learning complicated algorithms is great fun to me.
Can anyone please tell me the ways in which i could contribute?
You need to decide to which Boost libraries you would like to contribute ( there is close to 130 Boost libraries ). Once you do study the code of those libraries, look to fix bugs in those libraries by issuing bug reports or PRs against those libraries and if you are confident enough in your abilities with those libraries you can seek to become a library maintainer. Don't hesitate to ask questions on this mailing list about the libraries in which you are interested.
If this is not the right place to ask newbie questions please tell me where i could ask the my questions.