On 3/9/17 7:23 AM, Paul A. Bristow via Boost wrote:
Here are some questions you might want to answer in your review:
- What is your evaluation of the design?
Complicated to use (compared to int),
Hmmm - a major design goal is that it be a no-brainer to use. I'd like to see you exand a little on this comment. and very, very complicated to write. LOL - it's worse that it looks. There are a lot of difficulties with something like this. One is that its hard to stick to the subject and keep in mind what one's idea of the original purpose of the library is. But this is common in almost all library efforts. A major difficulty in an elaborate TMP project is that the compiler does't really support it very well. Error messages are often unrelated to the mistake and very unhelpful. There is not convenient way to display messages which display type information at compile time. It would be useful to have a BOOST_STATIC_WARNING that works. These problems can only really be addressed by enhancements to the compiler itself. The fact that none of these have been proposed suggests to me that TMP is a lot like teenage sex - there's a lot more talk about it than is actually going on.
But that is a consequence of the daft design of the C language.
tl;dr; I want to defend the C language design. My first exposure to C was in 1980? I was introduced to Ratfor which was a fortran implemented C like language introduced in the Plauger book "Software Tools". After that I lusted after a C language tool. The machine I had at my disposal was a Data General Eclipse - a 16 bit architecture. I got a hold source code for a compiler for the Z80 and managed to port it to the DG machine. Then I managed to compile the standard source which my compiler. I was hooked! The C language then was the world's first "portable assembler". This was huge at the time. BTW - it can (and often is) used in this manner. The "problem" is that evolved the orignal C language into something entirely different. - A system for describing and implementing higher order ideas in an abstract and portable manner. It was done through evolution. Dozens (hundreds) of attempts to build something like that from scratch (fortran, cobol, pascal, modula, Ada) all failed for some reason or another. I believe in evolution. I believe it is the source of progress and success in all things - but it always leaves me disappointed and wanting something more perfect - which I can never get.
The language also doesn't allow use of hardware to handle overflow (and underflow)
When I started this project I was thinking that things would be better if hardware handled these things. But now that I look what I've achieved, I think I was wrong. A key feature of this library is that it allows one to select how to handle these and other similar situations. Currently one can detect and handle these at runtime, or detect potential problems and fail a compile time, promote types to larger types to avoid the problems - (Thereby "fixing" the original "daft" design of the C language - and likely creating your own). Perhaps others ideas are possible. So have been mentioned - "saturation" for example. and doesn't have arrays etc as first class citizens. I don't agree with this - but arguing about 30 year old decisions is a sign of old age.
I don't believe that it is really a idiot-proof drop-in replacement for the built-in integral types,
Well, that is what I've intended and I think I've mostly achieved it. but it will be fine to be used for new projects, especially as it needed the fancy features of C++14. tl;dr; One of the major use cases I see for this is finding errors in legacy code. I included a small example which touches on this. I actually have a larger example - the code is in there. But since its a real (and realistic example - stepping motor controller running on an 8 bit PIC microcontroller) it was a little more complex than normal and I didn't have time to finish the narrative which goes with the example. I hope get back to it in the future. I have done multiple projects with such tiny micro controllers. One big issue with these is the development environment which doesn't lend itself to unit testing. Mostly this is addressed just by skipping unit testing - using the burn (the chip) and crash (the program - but these days it might mean the car itself). But I like to factor out critical pieces into modules which can compiled and unit tested. An can create test vectors which run all the test cases and end points. When a unit test fails I can step through with the debugger. The cpp policy implements safe types and checking with the correct sizes for the microcontoller. I can compile and debug the tests in an environment which closely tracks the target one. By using the compile time trap as the exception policy I can also detect potential failures and tweak my code so that they can never happen. Then I can build and run on the target environment with much more confidence that there are no bugs. To me this is absolutly huge. But it's a very, very, very tough sell. People who work in the microcontroller world see C as portable assembler. People who work in C++/Boost world see C++ as a way of addressing general problems in a more abstract (mathematical like way). I'm hoping to bridge two worlds here. I'm not hopeful. I'm a sucker for lost causes.
I agree that explicit conversions are the Right Thing,
I used to believe that. Now my view is "not always" but they do carry a cost to the users - the need to understand the issues and take care with construction and assignment because this is a User Defined Type (UDT) and the special-case privileges of built-in do not apply (another daft design decision). Floating-point and fixed-point UDT have proved unintuitive to use because of explicit conversions; there are big elephant traps awaiting the unwary. Right - I'm thinking that that library traps at compile time when one does the following. I'll have to recheck this. safe<int> i; i = 1.0 but accepts i = static_cast<int>(1.0)
Costly at compile time because of the number of libraries included, but that's a cost worth paying.
and I don't think it's all the costly. I'm using a 3 year old mac mini with Xcode/clang for development and all tests compile in a few seconds. Not a big deal in my opinion.
I like that the infrastructure might be extended to other than integral types.
- What is your evaluation of the implementation?
Above my pay grade.
LOL - that makes two of us. That's why we have obi-wan-watanbi
- What is your evaluation of the documentation?
Good exposition of the problems and solutions.
Good examples.
Links to source of examples code would be *very* useful. easy one - I'll do this. I'll also add the output from the examples which is another idea that has been mentioned.
Starting with an example is the most common way of 'getting started'.
Will using "" file specification #include "../include/safe_range.hpp" instead of <> #include <../include/safe_range.hpp> cause trouble for users trying to use/modify the examples in Boost or their own folder position?
The version being reviewed in the incubator is meant to be built and tested outside the boost infrastructure. The boost testing infracture supports the creating of the test matrix and centralized testing. But in opinion it is an impeditment to one who just wants to test a single library not already included in boost. Boost libraries sort of "presume" the centralized setup promoted by b2 headers. I believe that this is also an obstacle to mixing/matching/testing other libraries. In any case, if this library is accepted, include file structure will have to evolve to the boost way of doing things. Not a big issue or problem.
The common need for overflow (or underflow) to become 'saturation' == max_value (or min_value) is not an option (but then it is arithmetically 'wrong', I suppose ;-)) Right - This has come up. But I declined to address this for a few reasons.
a) Things are already really complex - I'm at my brain's limit b) I don't want to pollute the overriding idea: "This library provides a method for the brain dead to guarantee that his program will not produce incorrect arithmetic results." Adding more "features" dilutes the conceptual power of thee library, This makes it impossible to describe what it does in one sentence.
- What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library?
Very valuable to make programs that 'always work' instead of 'mostly work'.
Ahhh - this is the thing for me. Imaging how your going to feel when your microcontroller is included in a product which ships 10000 units and a bug is discovered? How are you going to feel if that product is an automobile accelerator or Mars landing probe? How, after 50 years of computer systems and computer language development, arrived at this situation. I'm mystified and disheartened.
Users might appreciate a list of compiler versions that really do work. Sadly 'Compliant C++14' is a bit fuzzy. (Should become clearer if accepted and test matrix visible).
LOL - I try to follow the standard - but it's not really possible to even read it. I rely on testing - known limitations. But it's the best we have. So far it's worked pretty well. I can build on Clang with no warnings and on recent versions of GCC and produce the exact same results. I would love to test on VC but I don't have such a machine. I've tried to set up appveyor.yml to do this but have been unsuccessful. I'm interested if someone want's to look into this.
A good effort at working round fundamental C language defects.
a good effort - a ringing endorsement ! It's ok one of my squash partners - a female - says I'm a "good sport". doesn't bug me though.
- Did you try to use the library? With what compiler? Did you have any problems?
Had a very brief try with VS 2015 with /std:c++latest added to command line (to try to ensure C++14 compliance) but am stuck with
I'd be curious to see the example you tried. Did you try to run the test suite and/or examples? But this re-enforce the suggestion that I should put the concept checking - such as it is - into the library code to help detect usage mis-understandings. I'll look into this.
1>j:\cpp\safe_numeric\safe_numeric\include\interval.hpp(107): error C2737: 'boost::numeric::`anonymous-namespace'::failed_result': 'constexpr' object must be initialized 1>j:\cpp\safe_numeric\safe_numeric\include\safe_base_operations.hpp(131): error C2244: 'boost::numeric::safe_base
::operator =': unable to match function definition to an existing declaration But I am sure that this is entirely my fault, but I'm out of my time allotted to this review.
I don't think it's your fault. I think that's an indication that I've fallen short of my goal that the library be idiot proof. I shouldn't have to say this but this not mean that I think your an idiot, but that if it's not simple for you, it's not going to be simple for an idiot - which is my goal. This re-enforces the suggestion that I should put the concept checking - such as it is - into the library code to help detect usage mis-understandings. I'm look into this.
Also - Is this warning(s) avoidable/relevant/quietable?
j:\cpp\safe_numeric\safe_numeric\include\safe_base.hpp(233): warning C4814: 'boost::numeric::safe_base
::operator =': in C++14 'constexpr' will not imply 'const'; consider explicitly specifying 'const'
This looks very easy to fix - but my compiler doesn't emit these warnings. Maybe it would with some switch. I'll look in to it.
I feel that all warnings should be avoided or supressed using push'n'pop pragmas.
My goal is to closely stick to C++14. So I shouldn't have any warnings. I believe this is possible with some minor code tweaking.
Thanks for your comments. They are very, very helpful.
--- Paul A. Bristow Prizet Farmhouse Kendal UK LA8 8AB +44 (0) 1539 561830
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