On 13.04.18 01:31, Robert Ramey via Boost wrote:
The Standard Template Library is the foundation of modern C++. The creation and publication of this code and its documentation set a new standard for the formal specification of what a computer program should do, how it should be designed and how it should be formally documented. These pages were maintained first by Silicon Graphics and then later by Hewett-Packard. In January of 2018 these pages were removed by H-P. This is a historic blunder. I have recovered the original STL Library Document and hosted them here:
Robert Ramey
Hi, First of all congratulations for providing this! I have a couple of places in the boost.test documentation that linked to sgi.com. Those are obviously today dead links. Is it now a good practice to link to your copy? Why not copying that to the boost.org website? Best, Raffi