On May 23, 2016 6:10:33 AM EDT, Niall Douglas
On 22 May 2016 at 23:05, John Phillips wrote:
I agree that Boost should serve the entire C++ community. In fact, I would like to see all capable members of the C++ community find ways to serve the community. [snip] As such, I root for all attempts at service to succeed. [snip] I see no reason for strained tempers and acrimony in any part of this.
Hear hear John. And thanks for speaking up in what has become quite an ill tempered response.
Niall, I'm really disappointed. You were called out on calling us old, anti-social, etc. while asking, on this list, for interest in a reboot of Boost. Then you have the audacity to respond to John's message implying that you've not been the ill-tempered, acrimonious one in recent discussions, but that it's been everyone else. Please reexamine your interactions on this list.
I would like to emphasise that a Boost reboot is only as divisive and exclusionary as the Boost community chooses it to be.
I don't think anyone responded to your suggestion of a reboot, as presented in this thread, as a particular problem. There were some naysayers of course.
Being nasty, negative and toxic to real change is what got us here in the first place, and it would be my strongest hope that the development mailing list or forum of any reboot would be a far more pleasant, encouraging and positive place to be and serve than what this place has become in recent years.
We strive to have such an environment now, though you choose to think it otherwise. ___ Rob (Sent from my portable computation engine)