This is a reminder that my library Describe https://github.com/pdimov/describe https://pdimov.github.io/describe/doc/html/describe.html needs a review manager. Describe is a library that allows programmers to annotate their classes (and enumerations) in order to enable simple reflection. It provides a very important fundament on which other libraries can build upon to provide automatic support for user-defined types. For example, given an annotated type, Boost.JSON can automatically provide conversions from/to json::value. Boost.ContainerHash can automatically provide a hash function hash_value for the type. Boost.Serialization can automatically provide serialization support. See the examples: https://pdimov.github.io/describe/doc/html/describe.html#example_to_json https://pdimov.github.io/describe/doc/html/describe.html#example_from_json https://pdimov.github.io/describe/doc/html/describe.html#example_serializati... Other JSON (and serialization) libraries already offer a similar mechanism, e.g. https://github.com/nlohmann/json#arbitrary-types-conversions. But since each library has its own private way to annotate types, a programmer needs to repeat the type annotations for every library he wants his type to be known to. This is unnecessary and undesirable, and a standard mechanism to describe types avoids it. Describe is intended to be this standard mechanism, and I believe that we need it in Boost sooner rather than later. Thanks in advance to whoever volunteers.