On 9/19/2013 11:57 AM, Niall Douglas wrote:
On 18 Sep 2013 at 20:29, Edward Diener wrote:
As someone who still would like to see my variadic data library be reviewed for possible acceptance into Boost I am most curious to know the reasons why no new libraries appear to be getting reviewed anymore.
Did you not see my post http://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2013/09/206187.php? I offered to review manage someone's library in exchange for that person review managing AFIO.
I did see your post but my thoughts are: 1) It is not best if A is the review manager for B's library and B is the review manager for A's library. There is too much temptation to approve a library that way. 2) Understanding ASIO has proven to me to be a difficult task, albeit I have not spent much time studying it. As I understand it AFIO is an extension of ASIO for files. 3) With that last said I would be glad to be a review manager for a library. But My OP was prompted because I have seen little movement recently in the way of even calls for review managers to speed up the process of having libraries reviewed. Perhaps I just missed such a general request.