So do a ton of other libraries waiting in the review queue.
One trend I've noticed in recent reviews is that the libraries which find review managers are small, sometimes very small. It might be worth breaking up Application into smaller libraries if you want a faster review.
I think that I can split it.
Equally, AFIO has 1000 active lines of code, and I very much doubt it'll see a review manager any time soon. I'm thinking maybe next year it might
(I will speak at C++ Now introducing the session on the Future of Boost, which will mention AFIO :) ).
Nice! I will check!
FYI, I'd just love if Application's design rationale told me why and how it's similar or different to Boost.Process. Process is one of the most popular non-official Boost libraries out there.
Well, I think that are totally different. Quick, Boost.Process is used to start a new process, Boost.Application is the process in fact. Boost.Application provides a model/environment to build any application, not start an application. Some features are: With it you can deploy your application as server (service on windows, and daemon on unix). It provides a plug-in system tool and other facilities (like aspects) that will help developer on application development. It provides a way to create other applications modes, e.g. Apache http server module. Some references: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/756866/Build-a-Server-Application-using-... http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/695937/Creating-a-New-Application-Mode Thanks alot for your comments.