Hi everyone, This is my first message on the ML. I've written visualizations in the Visual Studio Natvis framework for the Boost.Unordered containers and iterators. This will improve the user experience for anyone using Visual Studio. The visualizations mirror those of the STL unordered containers as closely as possible, except that end iterators display as "{ end iterator }" instead of the visualization just breaking. Here is the file: https://github.com/boostorg/unordered/blob/develop/extra/boost_unordered.nat... I've written an accompanying article about the natvis implementation for the closed-addressing containers. I will be writing a second article about the implementation for the open-addressing containers. This first article contains some tips and tricks for using the natvis framework that I wish I knew before going into this, especially about using "<Intrinsic>" elements. Hopefully it can help someone else. Link to the article: https://blog.ganets.ky/NatvisForUnordered/ Custom gdb pretty-printers will be next up. Thank you to JoaquĆn for reviewing the code and the article. Thanks all, Braden Ganetsky