On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 12:31 PM VinÃcius dos Santos Oliveira via
... The idea here is... ... Appendix A will present how another feature from Boost.JSON can be implemented in pull parsers: strings split among different buffers. ...
This is all very nice and I appreciate the time that you put into this thorough and detailed analysis. What is missing from this screed, however, is an example of a complete working library which implements these wonderful ideas of yours.
Boost.JSON -- will prove unfit to build anything higher-level and a new core will have to be developed from the ground-up because current bad design choices.
On the other hand, we have a couple of examples of libraries in the style of Boost.JSON: RapidJSON, and JSON For Modern C++ (nlohmann's JSON). These libraries also offer a DOM and a monolithic parser (although, in nlohmann's case it cannot be instantiated directly). They have tens of thousands of users and can be seen as dependencies in other projects, which provides a stark contradiction to your claim above. Based on the popularity of these two libraries alone, it should be uncontroversial that a JSON library which offers the same functionality (a DOM, plus parsing, plus serialization) with great performance and the level of interface quality you expect from a Boost component, would be immensely popular and quite the opposite of "current bad design choices." Quite frankly I find your position to be completely indefensible.
## The case for pull parsers ... The defining trait present in pull parsers that is impossible to replicate in push parsers is their ability to compose algorithms. ...
This is a feature no one is asking for, and not a goal of the library. Boost.JSON is about bringing to C++ the same level of ease of use and flexibility for working with JSON that you find in other languages like say, Javascript. It is not a competitor to Boost.Serialization, nor is it meant for the parser and serializer to satisfy every possible use-case. It is meant for a particular use-case and designed to do it very well. Besides, I have a theory that there is no single parser design which will be ideal for every use-case. That is to say that optimizing for one feature will by necessity disadvantage other features. I would of course love to be proven wrong, if someone could show me a complete working example with benchmarks. But nlohmann's JSON took this route and well, we know what the results are (not good).
Composition is enabled by temporarily handing over the token stream to a different consumer. Not every consumer needs to know how to process every part of the stream. That's a trait impossible to find in push parsers.
Practical experience with a 5-year old Boost library and a 2-year old Not-In-Boost library, plus feedback from actual users, has shown that these use-cases are not what people want.
Can the handler pause the parsing loop by returning `false` w/o setting any error code (and how'd the stream be resumed)?
No, this is explained in the docs. Upon error, the only valid operations are destruction and reset. Regards