John Maddock wrote:
There is no "only build this in C++X mode" for some value X, I was thinking about this the other day, and Boost.Config should probably add something that is the union of all our std-specific feature test macros that we could all use.
In the mean time, adding:
import ../../config/checks/config : requires ;
To the top of the Jamfile and then to each target's requires clause add:
[ requires cxx11_noexcept cxx11_rvalue_references sfinae_expr cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_tuple cxx11_hdr_initializer_list cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_thread_local cxx11_constexpr cxx11_nullptr cxx11_numeric_limits cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_array cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_hdr_type_traits cxx11_allocator cxx11_explicit_conversion_operators ]
And yes, this is over-verbose.
[ requires cxx11 ] would be a substantial improvement. :-)