On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 1:50 PM Martin Duvanel via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
We may have a very specific use-case, but would you consider a small modification to the library inside "boost/icl/impl_config.hpp", in order to open the door for other set/map implementations?
I am unrelated to ICL, but I do not thing this is such a small change, if they would allow flat_* containers with O(n) insert time then they would probably need to update all the docs to specify complexity in terms of underlying container complexity, or just add an ugly hack to docs that notes that if you use your own container that then all complexity guarantees in docs are off. https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_64_0/libs/icl/doc/html/boost_icl/function_r... Also out of curiosity: did you try out the google abseil b-tree https://abseil.io/blog/20190812-btree?