On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 1:10 PM, Artyom Beilis via Boost
Have been Beast tested with non blocking sockets? I hadn't found a single reference to asio's non_blocking_io?
I have not done any work at all with non blocking sockets, although that is on my todo. Specifically to make programs work which use the reactor model rather than the proactor model. This means boost::asio::null_buffers to take the place of "select".
On same note - how do I run unit tests using b2 - Beast ins't fully Boostified which BTW is also bothering me.
The tests run fine for me just run b2 at the root of the Beast directory. The Jamfiles get tested in every CI push, see: https://travis-ci.org/vinniefalco/Beast/jobs/248185459#L1123 Boost.Build was the first build system that Beast used, CMake came after. Both are supported. Thanks