On Sat, 16 May 2015 11:40:30 AM Rob Stewart wrote:
Once we reach consensus on how to identify libraries to deprecate, we then must decide on the process. How long should a deprecated library be released before it is removed from Boost releases? How do we mark deprecated libraries? What do we do with deprecated libraries that have been removed from Boost releases? ___
I remember when first looking at Boost some years ago, it was a delight to see so many interesting libraries, I was like a kid in a candy store. However, there is no easy way of telling which libraries are active and which are unmaintained. Do I invest time in learning and using a library that is unmaintained, or do I adapt to a newer library that is close enough to be useful and more likely to be updated with time? The library documentation lets you view the list of libraries in several ways, could one of those ways also sort into them into well maintained, unmaintained but working, and unmaintained (just an example)? It is fairly low tech, but easy for users. That also defers the decision to dump an old library, as it is there for those with legacy systems or the curious, down at the bottom of the page. I would leave it there till it doesnt compile or has major unfixed errors. That is also a judgement call, but is less critical as it is at the bottom of the page. Arthur