On 20 Apr 2014 at 12:10, Renato Forti wrote:
Quick, Boost.Process is used to start a new process, Boost.Application is the process in fact. Boost.Application provides a model/environment to build any application, not start an application.
Sure, I got that, but from the 90 seconds I looked at your docs it wasn't clear to me why you appeared to be replacing instead of extending Boost.Process. Of course you may not be replacing, but that wasnt't obvious in 90 seconds of looking.
http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/756866/Build-a-Server-Application-using-... http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/695937/Creating-a-New-Application-Mode
Those articles give the impression that you're reinventing a lot of Boost, yet from the docs I suspect you're actually providing wrappers/plugins for various bits of Boost. Yeah, I'd definitely redouble my advice to break up Application into smaller, standalone, reusable bits. The problem with any overarching framework is that it's a vision (i.e. your vision), and other people's visions never peer review well, whether in academia, here in Boost, or anywhere. Also, unless you're a member of Boost's steering committee and/or on the C++ standards committee, any vision you propose probably won't be given any benefit of the doubt unfortunately. Niall -- Currently unemployed and looking for work in Ireland. Work Portfolio: http://careers.stackoverflow.com/nialldouglas/