In hindsight, I feel like perhaps we collectively failed the review process. I think that Boost.Aedis was in fact not ready for a review and it did a disservice both to the library and the author that we rushed to review it. Instead, the relevant subject matter experts such as I, Alan de Freitas, Klemens Morgenstern, Reuben Perez, to a lesser extent Christian Mazakas, Mohammed, and a few others should have taken Aedis under our wing and helped to "get it into shape" before the review. Speaking for myself I wish I had put more time into helping the author get the library into the best possible condition. Instead of waiting until the review, I should have helped Marcelo address the flaws ahead of time. For example: https://github.com/mzimbres/aedis/issues/51 and https://github.com/mzimbres/aedis/issues/47 The library should not have gone into the review without one or more revisions to the documentation so that common questions that came up during the review were already answered, perhaps in a FAQ section. In particular, reviewers should not have had to ask why async_run or async_exec (see my example exposition in issue 51 above). I also think that the library would have benefited from a concerted effort to get it in the hands of users. I spent a bunch of energy ahead of time to get users for Beast before submitting it for review. It was already deployed in production systems, and there were other projects that started integrating it both open source and closed. We should have at the very least advertised Aedis in places like the redis++ repository (perhaps with a new GitHub issue). Forums, and such. And looked for individual C++ projects already using Redis and informed them of Aedis. For any new libraries we should look at the lesson of Aedis and consider whether or not a similar treatment would result in a better review of the candidate library. Regardless, I have the highest regard for Marcelo as he demonstrates a mastery of Asio and a commitment to quality, even if the library's outcome of the review is not favorable. -- Regards, Vinnie Follow me on GitHub: https://github.com/vinniefalco