On 05/26/2014 04:26 PM, Joel de Guzman wrote:
On 5/25/14, 6:34 PM, Jeroen Habraken wrote:
That said I'm well aware this isn't easy, I was delighted to have boost::coerce reviewed in [4] without my input. At times a mail would also pop up complaining my library stopped working in the latest version of, surprise, MSVC. I have no idea who's using it though unfortunately.
This makes me wonder. How fast is Convert BTW? How does it compare to the examples in that benchmark? Boost is performance hungry! It will be a real cause of concern if it is slower than the benchmarks.
I wrote a half-hearted spirit-based converter and a performance test and got something I personally cannot explain. Can anyone help me to solve the puzzle? First, I compiled with -O3 using ~/dev/boost.convert/doc >> gcc --version gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) 4.6.3 and get quite encouraging (even though hardly unexpected) results: str-to-int spirit: raw/cnv=0.28/0.28 seconds. str-to-int spirit: raw/cnv=0.28/0.28 seconds. where "raw" is a straight invocation of inline int str_to_int_spirit(std::string const& str) { std::string::const_iterator i = str.begin(); int result; BOOST_TEST(boost::spirit::qi::parse(i, str.end(), boost::spirit::int_, result)); BOOST_TEST(i == str.end()); // ensure the whole string was parsed return result; } and "cnv" is that same code wrapped-in as a converter. So far so good. No performance penalty for deploying conversion facilities via boost::convert(). Then though I tried that same code with gcc-4.8 on Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit architecture (oldish) machine... and got something I cannot get my head around of: str-to-int spirit: raw/cnv=1.44/1.41 seconds. str-to-int spirit: raw/cnv=1.44/1.41 seconds. That is, gcc-4.8 applies some magic so that that same code wrapped in a converter is 2% faster(!) than "raw" code. Is anyone curious and capable to solve the puzzle? I am admittedly the former but not the latter. :-( https://github.com/yet-another-user/boost.convert/blob/master/test/performan...