Niall Douglas wrote:
Qt provides an extensive networking implementation which does not work well with ASIO. So does Apple, Google and Microsoft, all of whom have substantial proprietary networking implementations
I think this is an important point - on what platforms is Beast actually useful in practice? I have some iOS apps, and it's not clear to me to what extent ASIO works with that platform's event loop, or other important OS features (for example, if you just use the POSIX sockets API on iOS then you might find that the radio gets turned off to save power, because the OS doesn't know that you need it to be kept on). So currently I do HTTP on iOS using a simple C++ wrapper around Apple's objC NSURLConnection. We could speculate about what will happen if ASIO gets standardised. Will Apple (and the others) provide an implementation that works properly on their platform? Maybe, but I would not bet on it. How much of Beast is useful without ASIO? Regards, Phil.