On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 1:01 PM, Rene Rivera
It's supposed to be fixed. But, yes, I see develop results are broken :-(
So I'm getting segfaults in the report processing for develop.
Here's what I'm seeing: tomkent@eddie:/mnt/fs1/tmp/boost_reportsā« tail boost-reports/develop.log Generating links pages Reading /home/tomkent/tmp/boost_reports/boost-reports/develop/incoming/develop/processed/CrystaX.NET-apilevel-19-x86.xml Merging expected results Generating links pages Reading /home/tomkent/tmp/boost_reports/boost-reports/develop/incoming/develop/processed/CrystaX.NET-apilevel-21-armeabi-v7a.xml Merging expected results Generating links pages Reading /home/tomkent/tmp/boost_reports/boost-reports/develop/incoming/develop/processed/CrystaX.NET-apilevel-21-armeabi.xml Merging expected results Segmentation fault (core dumped) I tried deleting the whole boost-reports/develop*, but that didn't seem to have any affect. Any ideas how to track this down? Anyone know where the dumped core goes on ubuntu? Tom