If an end-user does not see a "C++ standard minimum level" for a library in the documentation what should he/she assume ?
They should *not* assume any particular level. And perhaps ask the author to indicate what the support is by filling GitHub issues.
The trouble with this is that there are about 110 libraries with no 'cxxstd' JSON attribute at all and we are asking programmers to go back to guessing what the C++ standard minimum level is for those libraries. I am really trying to give end-users information rather than going back to guessing or having to ask about it each time.
Just for completeness: If the website generator "does not see a "C++ standard minimum level" for a library in the documentation what should [it] assume ?" Not assuming is "more right". It gives the power of what to show to the library author/maintainer. And if people "have to ask about it each time", the library maintainer (or those people) can add that information. Same as with every other piece of documentation. I'm glad that you have come to a similar conclusion now and am happy with the feature. If the "Standard" is removed, then it will look perfect. Thanks a lot!