2018-02-28 23:10 GMT+01:00 Niall Douglas via Boost
Back after the Outcome discussion died down, I started a thread discussing making breaking changes to Boost.System to test the feasibility of fixing some of the unfortunate design choices now apparent through hindsight in `
`. I won one argument - constexprification - the others I lost. I said at the time that I'd go off and make a better mousetrap i.e. a proposed ` `. That proposed `
` is now ready for feedback: Single file include: https://github.com/ned14/status-code/raw/develop/ single-header/system_error2.hpp
The github readme at https://github.com/ned14/status-code gives a clear description how I can make use of POSIX and Windows-standard error codes. Could we have similar short and clear examples illustrating how one can: 1. Create a custom error_category (or equivalent thing) 2. Use parametrized statuc_code 3. Use type-erased status_code Regards, &rzej;