On 28/08/2018 13:37, Mike Dev via Boost wrote:
Hello everyone, =======Please quote from here ======================================
- Which library/ies are you maintaining? (I assume this isn't some sort of private information - otherwise ignore the question)
Boost.Move, Boost.Interprocess, Boost.Container, Boost.Intrusive
- Would you like to unconditionally use c++11 features if you would not have to worry about this breaking boost internal users?
- Would you like to unconditionally use c++11 features if you would not have to worry about this breaking any users?
I think my libraries have high C++03 compatibility features. I run the regression tester for MSVC.7.1 and GCC 3.4 and all my libraries work correctly in that environment. At work we use C++03, we have a ton of C++03 software and that's not going to change in many years, that's typical in many industries that need to maintain software for decades.
- Would you deprecate your library completely if there were no boost-internal users and your current dependencies required c++11 (e.g. because your library has been merged into the c++11 standard library anyway)
I don't think so, if I have time, I will continue developing my libraries (like Boost.Container) with newer features (like new, no-standard containers). Portability is also nice feature for a library (consistent performance-behavior across different compilers/platforms). E.g. Boost.Move should explore destructive move semantics not available in the language.
- Are you yourself using any boost library (in an up-to-date version) in a c++03, non-boost project?
- Do you have any Idea if the latest versions of your library is used by any important/significant number of c++02 projects? [It is only important if *you* consider those projects important and or the number significant]
No idea. I know Boost.Move is quite used for quite in many projects that need to support both C++03 and C++11, but that's the main goal of the library ;-). Best, Ion