On 8/16/2020 2:36 PM, Marshall Clow via Boost wrote:
On Aug 16, 2020, at 11:21 AM, Edward Diener via Boost
wrote: Gmane is no longer reflecting this mailing list. I have been discussing this in the gmane.discuss newsgroup and it was suggested that I try to find out if anything had changed with this mailing list which would prohibit gmane from picking it up and reflecting its latest messages in gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel. So I am asking here after switching myself from using the gmane newsgroup to using the mailing list directly. Needless to say if you are like me you are much more comfortable using the gmane newsgroup than the mailing list interface, so trying to find out why gmane is no longer working with this mailing list has some importance to me. As far as I know, nothing has changed with the Mailman setup on lists.boost.org http://lists.boost.org/. Is GMane reflecting other boost lists, like boost-users? Have those had problems as well?
It is picking up the latest messages for boost-users, but not for this mailing list. I have tried to get gmane to pick up the latest messages for this mailing list using a web interface which gmane now has at https://admin.gmane.io/. But so far no one from gmane has responded to my effort to resubscribe this mailing list. Maybe after the weekend it will be straightened out. Lars I., who is the main gmane developer, has not been very active recently in the gmane.discuss ng, so hopefully someone else at gmane can figure this out. BTW gmane is now gamne.io and not gmane.org anymore. Boost needs to change any links on its website for the Boost mailing lists to refer to gmane.io and not gmane.org when speaking about gmane reflection of messages.