Hi to all, Many years after the review (it was finished in 2017), I managed to find some time to make the review result possible and integrate double-ended library's "devector" class in Boost.Container. I merged the implementation some days ago in develop branch and I hope we can merge it to master soon. Several changes were needed (C++03 support, similar interface/features to other containers, removed some non-essential operations that were not present in other containers...) to do a proper integration. It's might not be production-ready, documentation might be still lacking, but I think it's a good starting point. Initial performance benchmarks seems to show I haven't broken anything important;-) I made no changes to original devector's main design, no experiments with growth or data movement policies. There were many good ideas in the review and outside boost we have experiments worth trying. Examples: - https://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2017/10/239316.php - http://larshagencpp.github.io/blog/2016/05/22/devector I also plan to slowly start sharing more implementation details between devector and vector to avoid code duplication and ease maintenance, and adding some missing operations in devector that are in vector (like default initialization insertions). Many thanks to Benedek for his patience, and great design/implementation (including a detailed test-suite, absolutely essential to ease the work I needed to do to integrate devector in the library). Better late than never ;-) Best, Ion