On March 1, 2016 2:19:44 PM EST, Stefan Seefeld
let me start by stressing how much I appreciate all you are doing for Boost, and the GSoC administration in particular.
On 01.03.2016 14:07, Niall Douglas wrote:
On 1 Mar 2016 at 12:13, Andreas Schäfer wrote:
IIRC last year Mozilla and the Linux Foundation were rejected. There's really nothing jaw dropping or outrageous about it. It is deeply disappointing for those students and mentors affected. It is highly disruptive to the pipeline we are running, and is not a case of simply pressing Pause on GSoC for a year. Many if not most of our students are postgrads, and next year they will no longer be eligible for GSoC.
Excellent points.
For a small org two slots can make a huge difference, for larger orgs not being accepted will generally not endanger the project itself. Google is simply trying to put the money where it has the biggest impact. I think that's a good thing. Please take your trolling elsewhere. Nobody here appreciates it.
...I find the above rather rude.
I found it very rude and quite unnecessary. ___ Rob (Sent from my portable computation engine)