The first example for Lambda 1.55 is:
list<int> v(10);
for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), _1 = 1);
This is not useful at all.
The first two question that every new user would ask are:
- which header files do I have to include?
- which namespaces are the things from? Is _1 the global that I already
know from bind or not?
A useful example would be:
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
int main() {
std::list<int> v(10);
std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), boost::lambda::_1 = 1);
I cannot even find the usual .cpp example files anywhere on
I have been using Boost for a long time so I knew that Lambda headers
would probably be in a directory called boost/lambda/. I also knew that
list and for_each would most probably come from the standard library.
But not everyone does!
Material for beginners, especially "examples", should be compresensible.
I do not understand why that is not the case for so many Boost libraries.
Some libraries are telling you the namespace but not the headers:
- DateTime
- Function
- Signals2 in the tutorials
- Array (the only example is in the "Design Rationale")
Some libraries have better examples:
- Atomic has useful examples with #includes and namespaces.
- Random has very useful examples, too.
- Unordered has minimal, but useful examples on the main page.
I am talking about the HTML documentation only.
That's all for now.