On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 6:22 AM, Jürgen Hunold via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
Hi Rene,
Am Samstag, 11. März 2017, 17:43:53 CET schrieb Rene Rivera via Boost:
We know.. Hopefully I can address it before we put the beta out. But I'm not sure I will have time tomorrow to put in the b2 PR that deals with vs2017.
If you approve the current patch, I can merge the PR to develop and then master. As far as I can see, the last patch from https://github.com/boostorg/ build/issues/157 ( b2260a9 ) works fine. I've tested it with 2017 Enterprise with both Boost develop branch and my own software.
Why not do the merge to develop right way, then post a mention to this thread so others can start testing on develop. I'd rather wait for Rene to give the OK for the merge to master. I've got a P/R in for boost.config to update the MSVC 2017 version numbers for RTW. Thanks, --Beman