I like the idea. Btw, why isn't the has_data() named empty() to conform with stl containers? Also it would be nice to have the member functions documented in the readme also. (I might be missing something though). /Viktor On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 9:13 AM Martin Hierholzer via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
Dear boost developers,
I want to propose a thread synchronisation primitive, which works like a mixture of (lockfree) queues and futures. Therefore I gave it the name "future_queue". It is basically a lockfree queue which can be waited on for new values (without busy waiting), but it has some nice extra features like when_any() and continuations.
The github project can be found here: https://github.com/mhier/future_queue
It already contains a README file with a short description, an example and results of a first performance measurement. Further documentation so far exists only inside the code: https://github.com/mhier/future_queue/blob/master/include/future_queue.hpp
My first question is, whether this is really something new (I might have overlooked something in the many boost libraries) and if it makes sense to integrate it into the boost libraries.
Another question would be whether this should really be its own library, since it is basically a single class (with a few helper classes) and a single non-member function. Maybe it would be better to make it part of an existing library?
I am happy to receive some first feedback!
Cheers, Martin
-- Martin Hierholzer DESY Notkestrasse 85 22607 Hamburg Office 55a / 123 Tel: +49 40 8998 1897 <+49%2040%2089981897> Mob: +49 176 992 46 476 <+49%20176%2099246476> Skype: mhier48
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