El 30/12/2018 a las 16:16, Peter Dimov via Boost escribió:
Joaquin M López Muñoz wrote:
Evreything is working OK except that, when I push something to develop, *two* Travis tasks are created, named "Travis CI - Branch"and "continuous-integration/travis-ci/push":
I have no idea why this happens, but on Travis, there doesn't seem to be any duplication:
Yep, seems like Github is showing the same stuff through two different links. A shot in the dark: of I go to the boostorg/multi_index Project Settings --> Integrations & services, what I see is (I can't see what's inside Travis CI, I don't have permissions). If I go to Settings --> Webhooks, this is what I get: Could it be the case that Travis is integrated both as a GitHub app and via webhooks, and that one of them is redundant? Joaquín M López Muñoz