Hi, Boost community, I was notified some days ago that my proposal for the Boost.Real project was accepted in the Google Summer of Code 2018 program. I'm currently in contact with my mentor (Damian Vicino) talking about how to start the project and how to properly work to get a clean and performant code. Any suggestion about common working methodologies in boost projects are welcome, and if there is a tutorial on the boost programming style please let me know so I can achieve a cleaner coding style that fits better with the rest of the library projects and facilitate the review process. Regarding where to store the project: I have received an invitation to join the BoostGSoC18 GitHub organization from David Bellot. Is this a good place where to create the Boost.Real project? I suppose that the organization was created for this purpose, but because I only got the invitation I don't want to create my project within the organization without asking first. Best, -- Laouen Mayal Louan Belloli. LIAA - DC - FCEyN - UBA. C.A.B.A. - Buenos Aires - Argentina. https://liaa.dc.uba.ar +54 9 11 38675694