Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in contributions made by Brendon Costa to the Boost C++ Libraries.
<signature of Moe Ghoul>, 1 April 1989 Moe Ghoul, President of Vice
That does sound better. About the whole idea of protecting an employer from an employee submitting some of the employers code to boost using the exemption, I don't think any statement can really cover that unless it is completely unrelated to your work. Even with the more restrictive statement I specified earlier about "audio processing, representation and io", this statement covers maybe 50% of what we do at work so the problem of submitting an employers source code exists with this as well. My plan is to submit my source to someone at work to review first to ensure that I am not disclosing anything that is considered as belonging to my employer. The exemption then could probably be signed off on that block of work. Maybe even generating a hash of the source I will submit and having exemption sign-off on that. Tedious but probably the safest. I guess I have an idea of possible statements now. Its time to speak with my employer. Thanks, Brendon.