Hi Respected Sir/ Mam, I am Arafat Dad Khan, an undergraduate student at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. I wish to contribute to the Boost Library (Specifically Graph and Data Structures). I have decent knowledge of Algorithms and Data Structures and have consistently taken part in algorithmic competitions on websites such as Codechef and Spoj(Sphere online Judge ) you can view my profile here http://www.spoj.com/SPOJ/users/adk/ I am very new to open source, And i just need someone to guide me so that i could focus on the right areas to contribute. I am very comfortable with C++ language and learning complicated algorithms is great fun to me. Can anyone please tell me the ways in which i could contribute? If this is not the right place to ask newbie questions please tell me where i could ask the my questions. Thanks Arafat Dad Khan Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur