1 Apr
1 Apr
9:40 p.m.
AMDG On 03/31/2013 04:38 PM, Christian Henning wrote:
Just to be on the same page. Should the gil::io test jam file initiate the compilation of the 3rd party libs? I think this would be preferable so that the user can easily configure the correct target architecture. Instead of having to first compile all binaries target architectures before doing the gil::io tests.
Is that what you are planning to do?
/zlib//zlib will either find an existing library or build zlib from source depending on how it's configured. It's basically a generic version of the way Boost.Iostreams handles it.
Great! Thanks for the quick answer.
I've committed this to the trunk and updated Boost.IOStreams to use it. In Christ, Steven Watanabe