On 07 May 2016, at 17:18, Vladimir Prus
wrote: could you say which 'hacks' you have in mind. It builds out of the box on OSX with system compiler, for sure.
Vladimir, here are the different build options and the corresponding results: $ ./b2 Works correctly out of the box and builds to 'darwin-4.2.1’. $ ./b2 toolset=gcc Fails to build with everything failing due to '/bin/sh: line 1: -ftemplate-depth-128: command not found’. There is probably no value in this working since ‘gcc' is just a symlink to ‘clang’ anyway, I just want to mention it for completeness. $ ./b2 toolset=gcc-4.9 Correctly pickups the compiler but fails to build with - clang: error: unsupported option '—64' - ld: unknown option: -h The ‘clang’ errors result from the assembler files of Boost.Context. The linker errors result from the build system expecting the gcc linker instead of the darwin linker. $ ./b2 toolset=gcc-5 Correctly pickups the compiler but fails for the same reasons as gcc-4.9. The ‘hack’ or workaround for this is to define '#using darwin : 5.3.0 : g++-5 : <linker-type>darwin ;’ in user-config.jam and build with ' ./b2 toolset=darwin-5.3.0’. This is not a big deal it’s just not obvious. Thomas