On 6/30/17 1:21 PM, Artyom Beilis via Boost wrote:
You aren't compared to asp.net but to php/python/rails/nodejs that are the trendiest web development tools today.
Even big projects start quite quickly with java / servlet
And as a reference one of the simple examples provided compiles for about 30s ! If you multiply this by complexity of normal project the times become intolerable.
Considering that beast does 1/100 of what others tools provide (even if in cool asio way) the price becomes too high.
All it needed is to do classic OOD instead and you'll get much wider audience. With much better error reporting by the compiler, smaller code, and easier development, consider streight forward support of HTTP / https out of the box in some code.
Doing temple based solution asio style for HTTP library IMHO is a design error.
I'm sorry, I'm just not seeing the relevance of compile time to anything here. Robert Ramey