Just some info for those who're unfamiliar with the algorithm: As far as I understand it this particular implementation is based on Fugi Goro's implementation here, which I have contributed to a little: https://github.com/gfx/cpp-TimSort/ As the page will tell you, Timsort is faster for mostly-sorted or reversed sequences, is stable as opposed to the bulk of std::sort implementations which use quicksort variants, and in my experience is also faster on random sequences where the range of values is low (more benchmarking required). As Niall has noted, it is O(n log n) in worst case scenario, has a memory cost over quicksort/introsort/etc, and is generally slower for more random sequences. In some scenarios std::stable_sort is better, some worse. Like Paul I see no reason for a review, just a headsup. Matt Bentley