On 13/12/2016 05:15, Robert Ramey wrote:
On 12/11/16 6:47 AM, Steven Ross wrote:
On a related note, somebody asked me to add a new sort call to the Boost.Sort library, I told them we'd need to contact the author to get them to send us a copy with the Boost copyright, and then they told me they copied it and modified it, and sent it to me, and that was ok because it had an open-source license. I assume that I should automatically reject any proposed new library contributions from that individual?
The boost license is pretty unambiguous. Anyone can use it for any purpose as long as the original copyright notice is included. Period. There is not requirement for notification, permission or anything else.
When the original work is Boost-licensed, sure. But the situation described here is where the original work has a different license, and someone has just removed that and replaced it with a Boost one without asking the original author. That's ok for public domain and CC-0, and possibly ok for CC-BY, but not valid for pretty much every other license type. (The Boost license is very similar to MIT/BSD/Apache licenses, but just different enough that replacing one with the other without the author's permission isn't really kosher. And completely unacceptable for GPL or LGPL.)