Le 05/03/14 16:36, Ding Xiangfei a écrit :
Hello, Boost. This is Xiangfei, a first year CS student from National University of Sinagpore. I am familiar with C++ template programming and have learnt a little functional programming language by myself. Therefore I find the monad project in boost will be very interesting and useful. Hi Ding and welcome to Boost
Which functional language do you know?
This is my first time applying for GSoC. I have past boost use experience, but it is my first time also to contribute in Boost library.
I have a question for the implementation of monad. What is the degree of integration of this module with other Boost utilities other than sequences and containers? Thank you.
There is no implied dependencies on any Boost library. Of course, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. However at least the library must provide mapping for boost/std::future, boost::optional and the on going boost::expected classes between others. Mapping to containers could be provided in order to check for the ability to configure it, but it is not mine main goal for the library. Been able to understand the implementation of the Pure library is a must. (https://github.com/splinterofchaos/Pure) Please take a look at it a let me know how do you fill with this kind of code. I would appreciate if you can give you impression of the library, what you like, what you would change, any additional feedback .... HTH, Vicente