Hi Vissarion, sorry for the double post, I have only received your e-mail after posting my response to Adam.
Hi Tinko, Adam,
thanks for the interest in the project!
In general I find your proposal good but a bit overambitious.
I understand, and since this is the second advice in that direction I will try to limit the proposal.
I am mainly covered by Adam's response but I have a few comments.
1. Apart from the two projects (triangulation and random generators) your project includes one more, namely "robust geometric predicates" that could be a solely GSOC project. This is not described in the proposal but what I am understanding is something like this http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/robust.html (there are many solutions for robust predicates I just named one) to be done for both "orientation" (aka side) and "in-circle" predicate and for all 3 coordinate systems.
This (what Shewchuck described as Adaptive A in his short paper "Robust Adaptive Floating-Point Geometric Predicates") was indeed the solution that I had in mind.
What I propose is to either focus on one topic (e.g. Delaunay triangulations) and go further in coordinate system support etc. or do Delaunay and random generators only for cartesian. In any case you can include more topics as extras. In other words there will not be a problem if you do more that you propose.
I understand. Both (Delaunay triangulation for more then cartesian coordinates and Delaunay + random generators for cartesian) are interesting. I have a slight preference towards doing Delaunay triangulation and random generators for cartesian coordinates and add extras if the work is done early in the GSoC. In that case, I would specify in my proposal that I propose these things for cartesian coordinates. This is just a slight preference, though, and if the maintainers would deem Delaunay for cartesian and other coordinates more useful, I would do that and rewrite my proposal accordingly. Thank you for your feedback as well and kind regards, Tinko Bartels -- Sent from: http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/Boost-Dev-f2600599.html