On 9/4/2015 12:14 PM, Nat Goodspeed wrote:
Hi all,
The mini-review of Boost.Fiber by Oliver Kowalke begins today, Friday September 4th, and closes Sunday September 13th. It was reviewed in January 2014; the verdict at that time was "not in its present form." Since then Oliver has substantially improved documentation, performance, library customization and the underlying implementation, and is bringing the library back for mini-review.
The substance of the library API remains the same, which is why a mini-review is appropriate.
`packaged_task` decay-copies the task arguments, while it shouldn't. This is not only a matter of performance, or artificially augmented requirements; this can result in either subtly wrong semantics or plain compilation errors due to return type mismatch when calling a completely different function than the one intended by the user. At this point I'd like to stop spamming the list with issues in the implementation of the thread clause facilities, which obviously aren't ready yet, and suggest the author to use one or several of the exhaustive and not-so-exhaustive test suites readily available (the ones from libc++, libstdc++, Boost.Threads, HPX, etc). Regards, -- Agustín K-ballo Bergé.- http://talesofcpp.fusionfenix.com