Felix Uhl wrote
Robert Ramey wrote:
This means that Andrzej should post a comment and the rest of you should reply to this comment.
I realize that is is sort of pain, but, again, I would be very helpful to me to test the idea of building and maintaining a libraries comment history in an permanent convenient place.
Have you thought about using the boost developers and users mailing list to get comments posted on bli? You could just run a script on a webserver that polls emails in the mailinglist and filters out those with a tag that contains the name of a library on the incubator in the title, which it then posts under said library as an anonymous comment, or a comment under the name of the poster, if he gives his ok in the mail (not the title) with a tag like [PostMyName] or [Name=”Pseudonym”]. The idea is to make commenting easier and less awkward by embedding it in the commenting and discussion framework boost developers and users already use, the mailing list.
I've considered it - though not in as much detail as you have. And I understand the motivation but this would require a lot of work. Making it work smoothly with the current native comment system would be a lot of work and probably maintenance. So that wouldn't be in the cards for some time - if ever. The current comment system is (I believe) well suited to those C++ programmers which do not use the boost dev list. actually, another option would be a button which says "show comments on this library from the boost developer's list". A hack, but more doable. again, I'm hoping that the incubator evolves into the go to place for commenting on prospective libraries. This would save the comments in a good place and "de-clutter" the boost developer's list a little bit. Robert Ramey -- View this message in context: http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/library-incubator-Ease-commenting-Was-saf... Sent from the Boost - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.