Paul A. Bristow
The first command regenerates the doc and creates the commit on the gh-pages branch, and then I push it after a quick validation on my part. So the examples are always up-to-date, but the whole process could surely be more automatic. Something like a post commit hook could regenerate the doc, but I don't know how to set that up and I've more urgent things to do right now.
That isn't quite what Quickbook does - it marks the start and end of the snippet in the example .cpp.
Yes, Doxygen does the same. I meant I examined the output to make sure I did not screw things up myself, not to make sure the right example code was included. My comment blocks look like /*! * Brief description * * Detailed description * * * @snippet example/foobar.cpp some_tag */ and then, I have in example/foobar.cpp: //! [some_tag] some example code here //! [some_tag] Doxygen will include verbatim everything inside both tags. I'm pretty sure we were talking about the same thing.
However, your docs are at least as good as most, and I think this issue of finding things is still largely unsolved.
I'd concentrate on other issues.
I'll keep on improving the documentation and check out TODOS on my list (it has grown quite large with all the discussions).
Good luck
Thanks! Louis