El 15/08/2014 18:30, Niall Douglas escribió:
On 15 Aug 2014 at 0:28, Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira wrote:
Currently, flat_multimap mirrors C++98's multimap concept.
I'd like to propose an update to flat_multimap fulfil the C++11's multimap concept.
Can I persuade you to also implement the N3645 (http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3645.pdf) extensions?
Sure. Open a trac ticket so it's not forgotten. No promise for Boost 1.57, though.
If you're interested, they have become enhanced since, and I can tell you those enhancements on request. However, the essence of the extensions remains the same - they make maps much faster and lower latency by letting you do node allocation outside of any mutex locks.
In which sense they have become enhanced? Best, Ion