2015-06-26 3:11 GMT+02:00 Niall Douglas
On 22 Jun 2015 at 1:43, Niall Douglas wrote:
Firstly Vicente your three emails contained a ton of gold quality observations. From those I have generated this task list: [snip] Thank you *hugely* for your feedback Vicente. It was extremely valuable to me.
For those interested, the final version of lightweight monad hit github earlier today. Highlights:
monad is now space optimal, consuming as little as two bytes depending on configuration. monad<void> is now working, plus these new specialisations were added:
* result<T>: empty/T/error_code (no exception_ptr).
To what run-time condition does an empty state correspond here? I used to thing that you either have a result (T) or a reason why you do not have one (error_code), but what does it mean that you have neither? Regards, &rzej