Dear community, As some of you might be aware through sporadic discussions on this mailing list throughout the last couple of years, I've been working for quite a while on a modern template metaprogramming library called Metal, that I advocate as a direct replacement for the aging Boost.MPL. I believe my work is finally complete now and so I come to you to request for feedback and ask whether you think that Metal would be a valuable addition to the Boost distribution. My intention is to request a formal review in the next days / weeks, depending on your preliminary feedback. In a glimpse, Metal is a pure template metaprogramming that explores all modern features available to C++14 to overcome the limitations of Boost.MPL, most notably: * vastly improved performance [1]; * terser syntax [2]. Repository: https://github.com/brunocodutra/metal Documentation: http://brunocodutra.github.io/metal/ Boost Incubator: http://blincubator.com/bi_library/metal-2/?gform_post_id=1566 I appreciate your feedback and opinion on whether Metal is a good fit for Boost! - Previous discussions About a year ago I came to this list to discuss a proposal of merging Metal into MPL as a new API built from ground up, while at the same time serving as a backend for the previous API on modern compilers. At that time, Metal was lazy and very similar to MPL, but since then it underwent great simplification and embraced the all-eager design, so I don't think this would be a good idea anymore. Besides, it soon became clear that this would be a huge undertaking with potential to inadvertently breaking a lot of good code to little gain, so I decided instead to tackle the problem migration from MPL by providing a handy adaptor [3]. [1]: http://metaben.ch/ [2]: http://brunocodutra.github.io/metal/index.html#in_a_glimpse [3]: http://brunocodutra.github.io/metal/group__external.html#gaede6847ad3e0bb64c... Regards, Bruno Dutra