H Jin,
De: Boost [boost-bounces@lists.boost.org] en nombre de Jin Chen [chenjin92@gmail.com]
Enviado el: lunes, 24 de junio de 2013 19:56
Para: Boost@lists.boost.org
Asunto: [boost] Could the custom allocator for flyweight hashed_factory be the boost::interprocess::allocator?
I want to use boost::flyweight to do the dedupilcation of
boost::interprocess::basic_string object. I wrote a small test program for
that. In my program:
The flyweight works fine with the interprocess::basic_string which uses the
interprocess::allocator only with the default hashed_factory. The default
hashed_factory is ideal except that it uses std::allocator instead of
interprocess::allocator. I followed the
of a custom hash_factory which can change its allocator to the interprocess
one, but then got insanely long compiler error that is super hard to
This is a very interesting exercise! There are several problems with your solution:
* First of all, hashed_factory, as Jonathan points out, assumes the allocator is
default constructible. As boost::interprocess::allocator needs a segment manager at
construction time, you can overcome this by writing a custom interprocess allocator
that takes that info statically, i.e., from a type that returns the segment manager:
struct memory_dat_segment_manager
typedef ipc::managed_mapped_file::segment_manager type;
static type* get()
static ipc::managed_mapped_file* segment=
new ipc::managed_mapped_file(ipc::open_or_create,"memory.dat",409600);
return segment->get_segment_manager();
struct segment_allocator:
typedef boost::interprocess::allocator super;
template<typename T2>
segment_allocator(const segment_allocator& x):super(x){}
super& base(){return *this;}
template<typename T2>
struct rebind{
typedef segment_allocator other;
friend void swap(segment_allocator& x,segment_allocator& y)
Note that segment_allocator is default constructible: the segment is created on the
first call to memory_dat_segment_manager.
* Now, the holder class (www.boost.org/libs/flyweight/doc/tutorial/configuration.html#holders )
needs also to place its content in shared memory. As none of the holders provided by
Boost.Flyweight does this, we must define our own:
struct segment_holder_class:boost::flyweights::holder_marker
static C& get()
static C* pc=SegmentManager::get()->
return *pc;
template<typename SegmentManager>
struct segment_holder:boost::flyweights::holder_marker
template<typename C>
struct apply
typedef segment_holder_class type;
Again, the holder uses a SegmentManager class to get access to the segment manager
* Finally, you need an interprocess locking policy
(www.boost.org/libs/flyweight/doc/tutorial/configuration.html#locking ), and again this needs to
be custom-defined (note that, in order for labeled_recursive_mutex to be default
constructible, we get the info needed at construction time (the name of the mutex) from a Name
class much in the same way we did with SegmentManager before for the allocator and
template<typename Name>
struct labeled_recursive_mutex
typedef boost::interprocess::named_recursive_mutex mutex_type;
operator mutex_type&()
static mutex_type mutex(
return mutex;
template<typename Name>
struct labeled_locking:boost::flyweights::locking_marker
typedef labeled_recursive_mutex<Name> mutex_type;
typedef boost::interprocess::scoped_lock<
typename labeled_recursive_mutex<Name>::mutex_type> lock_type;
There's a technical issue here (if you don't get the following explanation you might
as well skip it): As the mutex used by Boost.Flyweight is created by the holder
class and we are using a shared-memory custom holder, it turns out labeled_recursive_mutex
is thus created in shared memory. But boost::interprocess::named_recursive_mutex
cannot be created in shared memory: we solve the problem with operator mutex_type&(),
which actually creates the real mutex as a static variable in regular memory.
And we're done. Find attached a small complete program showing how to put all the
pieces together.
Joaquín M López Muñoz
Telefónica Digital
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