On 9/4/2015 1:02 PM, Oliver Kowalke wrote:
2015-09-04 17:49 GMT+02:00 Agustín K-ballo Bergé
: I find this decision to be quite unfortunate, given that the last time I
checked (although it has been a while) supporting C++11 would be fairly easy. If I recall correctly, the requirement comes from the use of `index_sequence` which can be easily replaced ( https://github.com/boostorg/fusion/blob/master/include/boost/fusion/support/...), and the use init-captures in lambdas which can be emulated with a little code gymnastics. Oliver, could you confirm this is still the case?
I am not objecting to this decision, which is for Oliver to make. On the contrary, I would like to volunteer to help make Boost.Fiber C++11 compatible if accepted.
boost.fiber itself requires C++14 as well as boost.context on which boost.fiber depends C++11 is missing integer_sequence<> (deferred execution of callable with arguments/parameter packs) and support of move capture (generalized lambda capture) used by both libraries.
Nod, just like my analysis above says. So would you be willing to take patches for C++11 support? Regards, -- Agustín K-ballo Bergé.- http://talesofcpp.fusionfenix.com